Competitive Men's Junior [10km]
oh no, was late for this running event by 15 minutes
upon reaching the venue, i registered myself,
attach on my bib and Championchip.
for those who dont know what is Championchip,
imma give you a brief description about what is it.
it is a electronic which is for all athletics
to note down their timing in a particular
race or a event when the chip is detected
by a sensor on the floor. so, on the starting point,
there will be a sensor to activate the Championchip.
when you run run run and reaches the midpoint,
there will be another sensor at there and your
chip will detect the timing from the starting point
till that particular point and transmit the data
to a computer. there will be a sensor at the finishing
point also, to record what time you finished :D
back to the topic bout the running route and the
experience of Singapore Passion Run.
i must admit that Singapore Passion Run is one
of the best events which will really leave a good
impression and its one of the most memorial
"short running events". comparing the big events
which includes Standard Chartered Marathon and
Army Half Marathon (Singapore Bay Run).
these cant be compared to Singapore Passion Run
as the organising comittee is FAR BETTER!
the routes are quite nice too, practically, its not
BORING at all.
after running this event, i hope that more
singaporean teenagers would stop sticking their
butt onto the chair! JUST GET SOME EXERCISE!
to those people who are more heavier than the rest.
i would recommend you to go running twice a week
to burn down those fats which you dont want!
running is a Full Cardio exercise which will exercise
all of your body parts, hence, indirectly "burning"
the fats away! its good to keep those cholesterol
from clogging up all your arteries which will
eventually interferes with the flow of blood.
back to the topic again :P
i started running at 0820 SHARP!
during my runs, i saw different age groups
which is really trying to remain healthy!
*salutes to the elders*.
alot of the senior citizens even participated
in the 10km Veterans Run!
guess its time for me to give two thumbs up
for their endurance, perserverance and the
will to keep themselves going on and on.
but the most disappointing thing in this
race is that youngsters which gave up
running during the midst of the race.
for instance, they also participated in the
10km race which wow-ed me. but their
determination didnt pull themselves thru
the whole entire race. its disappointing when
you see people started to walk after
3 to 4km? very demoralising for the other
competitors. but only the strong shall
survive. well, in this world.. the strong
shall eat while the weak are meat. LOL :P
so, i kept running even though there's such
people who really cant take the pain in their
legs anymore or either their stamina cant
pull themselves through.
determination is the key to success and
perserverance is the key to WINNING!
maybe you wont WIN the rest, but you've
conquered the weakness in your mind.
i might sound like a philosopher, but well.
im trying to share my insights and motivate
everyone to join a sport or get involved
in those rigorous/intensive body movement
activity such as dancing or whatever!
back to the topic (said 3 times already)
so i ran as usual. keeping my pace and
overtook countless of people even though
they started MUCH earlier than me.
but.. i suffered some underarms abrasions
great.. but nevertheless. perservered
and went on running. hah.
during the last 2 kilometers, i told myself
that i can keep on running and just
ignore all the pain, cause after the
race, the pain is "converted" to glory!
i must say that its quite worthwhile :)
so, my passion is the drive which led
me to the finishing line without stopping.
but i think that i've took some short cuts..
lets hope not :P hahahhaa
now im waiting for the website to give
us our timing! hope to get 1 hour and below.
hah, lazy to blog out the whole thing after
i completed the race. but well, im really
suffering from the abrasions! damn
terrible. LOL! dont laugh ok!
anyway, the Finisher Medal sucks :P
im gonna post one photo which is
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