Saturday, June 6, 2009


Hope my chinese writing is okay..


Anyway, just a quick update on my life
on what I am currently doing and sorts.

Nowadays, I'm really rotting myself at home
and doing absolutely nothing. The feeling of
taking out my camera and shoot is there.

There's no kakis to tag along though.

booohoo :(

Well well, anyway, more into my sports life
and kinda personal stuff. I've just created a
Lasalle Dragonboat Team, currently I'm the
pioneer batch and the whole team does not look
very stable yet, but at least there is 6 strong
crews (i'm included) who're keen to make this
FIRST CCA in Lasalle a strong, dynamic and successful
one and hit it into the history books of Lasalle.

Well I'm not the founder, but Co-Founder.

My vision for this whole cca is to actually
promote a healthier lifestyle for the students in my
school and to promote teamwork, camaraderie, leadership.

Now the whole proposal for my cca to gain Sponsorship
and to get recognition is still under write-up and
I'm going to pass it to the President of Lasalle!

Hope we could get the approval and sponsorship!

Wish me luck :)

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