Tuesday, January 20, 2009

FTT, Valentines Day preparation

Final Theory Test
There's alot of commotion bout people taking their
FTT and passing it without any worries.
I would not really pin high hopes onto theory sessions
as I can't remember much bout words but rather
take things into hands on stuffs and excelling in it.
Lets hope my Final Theory shall be a good one, then I'll
be ready for my Traffic Police test in the near future.

Valentine's Day Preparation
So, what's up with valentine's day?
Everyone seems to be preparing something for their
other half and what bout me?
Doing absolutely nothing bout it.
What to do? There's nothing I can do for this point of time.
Just that, I got an idea for that person.
It will remain as a mystery bout what am I gonna
do for her, well, I'll do something that no one ever do.

Don't be silly, not bout cutting my wrists or whatever sick
shit that these emo kids doing, but rather, it is something
not related to physical abuse nor any abuses.
It is a gift.

I will always love you the way
you love that guy.

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